Increase EFFICIENCY of existing Gas and product pipelines
The RPS In-Field Flow Coating (IFC) system is a revolutionary process for applying a flow coating in existing (in-place) pipelines that significantly increases pipeline efficiency and performance. RPS utilizes advanced “NANO” technology composite coatings that are unlike any other surface coating technology. Nano coatings utilize small molecular structures that coat microscopic nooks and crannies in a way that is not possible with conventional coatings. The unique nano properties combined with RPS’s expertise in insitu pipeline application result in an ultra-slick, low friction surface providing lower friction loss, increased flow, lower energy consumption and reduced deposition of debris and contaminates. RPS’s In-Field Flow coating can be applied on long pipeline segments, of any diameter, by only accessing the ends of the pipeline.
Applications on Long Pipeline Segments
Rescue Pipeline Services has perfected application procedures from proven insitu epoxy application procedures. Field trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of the modified pig batch application techniques to apply IFC over long pipeline lengths. The unique material handling properties allow for application on virtually any diameter pipeline and on pipeline lengths of 20 miles or more.
Benefits of Internal Flow Coating
· Improved pipeline efficiency
· Increases pipeline throughput by 20% or more
· Reduces fuel compression of compressors and resulting GHG emissions
· Reduced pressure loss
Maintain flow capacity for de-rated pipelines
· Reduce buildup of contaminates, wax and asphaltenes on pipe walls
· Reduced formation of black powder
· No adverse effects on purity of the fluids transported
· Not damaged by routine pigging or ILI Inspection
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